

The Commonwealth is fortunate to have you among its leadership.

We in the Office of the Comptroller look forward to working with you.

In addition to your mission-based responsibilities, you have responsibility for the financial management and fiscal oversight of your agency. This critical oversight falls upon you under state finance law and the Comptroller’s decentralized Department Head Signature Authorization Policy.

Under the policies of the Office of the Comptroller, while retaining overall responsibility, you may delegate the day-to-day responsibilities among certain members of your leadership team and staff utilizing the Department Head Signature Authorization Policy. For details regarding the responsibilities of the key contacts, please review the Key State Law Compliance Roles and Responsibilities document.

This process will allow you and your delegates to use electronic 标志atures.

CTR的 Department Signature Authorization in MMARS Transactions Policy outlines what’s required to delegate 标志ature authorization and to use electronic 标志atures for MMARS documents within the accounting system. Once the department head has delegated this authority, your agency’s department security officer must enter the MMARS transaction document, UDOC, to grant this level of authorization.

Enterprise systems security roles will remain in place during any transition period when a new department head is appointed but should be updated and ratified as appropriate as soon as the department head assumes their responsibilities.

Aprel McCabe, CTR的学习节目 & 解决方案经理, serves ready to speak or meet with you and members of your leadership team to explain these key policies to you in greater detail and to help set your agency up to comply with these policies.

Your Immediate Attention Is Required

30天内, please complete the following forms and return them to the Office of the Comptroller (CTR). Aprel McCabe will send the necessary forms via DocuSign for you to complete.


DocuSign Envelope 1: Key 联系 Listing Form and MMARS Security Certification

The Key 联系 Listing Form

  • If there are no changes, the first line on the form should be checked and the form 标志ed by the department head.
  • If there are changes, please check the second line on the form. Please include the name and the email address of the individual at the agency who can complete the Key 联系 Update Form(s).  The department head along with the Key 联系 De标志ee will be required to review and 标志 the Key 联系 Update Form(s).

MMARS Security Certification

  • To be reviewed and completed by the department head. This certification must be 标志ed by the department head, attesting their responsibilities as receiving MMARS security in relation to your role as a department head.

DocuSign Envelope 2: The Key 联系 Update Form

The Key 联系 Update Form

Each Department 设计ates individuals to represent their agency regarding business with the Office of the Comptroller. We notify these people about new developments or requirements in state finance law, 规定, 或政策.

This form is optional and is only needed if there are updates, which will be noted in Envelope 1. Once the form is completed it will be sent to the 设计ee(s) for review and 标志ature.  It will then move onto the department head for review and 标志ature.

Please 设计ate or confirm the following individuals using this form.

  • Department Head (yourself)
  • 首席财务官
  • 总法律顾问
  • Department 安全官
  • Internal Control Officer
  • 薪资主管
  • MMARS联络
  • Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Liaison
  • 单一审核联络
  • 安全官
  • Backup 安全官

View descriptions of the above roles.

Instructions and a video webinar are available for this process at the CTR内部网 Electronic Signatures page [MAGNet or Commonwealth-issued VPN required].

NOTE: Appointments to these key contact roles cannot be made to contractors, 合同员工, 非雇员,  and should not be shared among multiple departments.

The form also asks for two key points-of-contact for two-way communications with the 最好的项目.

  • BEST Chief Point of 联系 for Agency
    For communications, coordination of meetings, information dissemination, and on-going feedback. This point-of-contact OC would be cc’d on any communications sent to the Technical POC or other agency staff working with the Project.
  • BEST Technical Point of 联系
    For coordination of input on items such as your agency’s software applications and interfaced data, 其他数据交换, business intelligence/analytics, 报告需求, impacts on agency systems, 操作协议, 还有安全问题.

DocuSign Envelope 3: Security Review

The security approval certifies that department heads have reviewed and approved enterprise system security reports.

30天内 of assuming the position, each new department head must conduct a security approval.  The form will first go to your 设计ated Department 安全官 for review and approval.  If you have questions regarding  the form, please speak with your 设计ated Department 安全官.

Once you have conducted this review, 证明, 标志, and return the Department Head Approval of Statewide Enterprise Systems Security Access form, which the Office of the Comptroller will make available to you through DocuSign.

查看bet356官网首页的 Statewide Enterprise Systems Security Policy 了解更多信息.

Additional CTR Resources


This is a public-facing repository of all Office of the Comptroller policies pertaining to state finance, financial records retention, 工资, 预算, 企业系统, and enterprise security.


815 CMR applies to the fiscal transactions of the Commonwealth.


财政年度备忘录 contain policy/procedure information issued for the Commonwealth of 质量achusetts for a specific fiscal year.

Expenditure Classification Handbook

This Handbook includes the object code descriptions and instructions regarding the encumbering and expenditure of all funds and is used for all expenditures of the Commonwealth.

Conducting Best Value Procurements

Guidance to Executive Departments on conducting competitive procurements, 采购, and contract management requirements for goods and services, including use of the COMMBUYS.


The Office of the Comptroller has developed CTR网络 to identify key cybersecurity internal controls for Commonwealth of 质量achusetts departments, and to promote cybersecurity awareness and cyber vigilance for everyone in these organizations.


Tthe Comptroller is responsible for developing internal control guidelines for Commonwealth departments.

MMARS Security Request Form

Can be used as part of your internal controls.

Chapter 647 of the Acts of 1989: Internal Control Legislation

An act relative to improving internal controls within state agencies.


Information regarding compliance and deadlines relating the close and open of a fiscal year.


CTR issues weekly communications on guidance, 新举措, and other news to MMARS and HR/CMS users, and key department contacts.


CTR provides training on state finance related topics for employees of state agencies.

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